G.A.M. (Ghent Area Ministry)
Ghent Area Ministry, a non-profit outreach ministry located on Colonial Avenue in Ghent, is dedicated to helping our neighbors in need in Norfolk by addressing economic, social, and spiritual needs of the community. FLC keeps active with the great programs of GAM through regular donations, food, and clothing drives, which are shared with our neighbors in need.
Grace Food Pantry
FLC has a mini free food pantry located on the side of our building, facing Baldwin Avenue to help anyone facing food insecurity. The pantry is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and anyone can give to, or receive food from, the pantry at their convenience.
Lunch & Dinner Ministries
Quilt Group
The First Lutheran Quilt Group is a special community of women who find fellowship, friendship, and the opportunity to work together to create beautiful, one-of-a-kind quilts. The quilts are later auctioned during the Christmas season, and all proceeds benefit the Faraja Primary School in Tanzania and Lutheran World Relief.
Recovery Groups
Red Cross Blood Drives
First Lutheran Church is a major participant in the Ghent Churches Blood Drives! FLC hosts the Red Cross each march, and parishioners assist by helping in the canteen, with registration, and serving snacks for the donors to enjoy, as well as by sharing the Gift of Life themselves.